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ROLFON – simulator

This automatic SIMULATOR calculates number of ROLFON™ rolls required for reducing reverberant noise and improving speech inteligilibility in huge rooms and halls.

All you have to do is choose shape/type of the building/room/hall, specify it's purpose, enter some dimensions and finishing materials... ready!

When you enter all data on certain page, you will be directed to the next one. You can go back and forth using arrows next to red titlebar, use arrows next to images to go back/next within the current page

Presented result is estimated number of ROLFON™ rolls necessary to achieve required sound quality.

Click here to go to ROLFON™ SIMULATOR

Detailed instructions how to use SIMULATOR:

Page 1: choose shape/type of the building:

This page presents few general types/shapes of the room/building. Choose the one that is closest to what you are making your project for.

Page 2: choose closest shape and specify purpose

On this page you chose whether the room/building has some irregularities, such as tribunes, large windows, etc. You also choose the purpose of the room, as this is desicive factor for calculation. Different purposes require different acoustics - conference room differs from swimming pool or sporting hall.

Hala sportowa --> sporting hall
Hala widowiskowa --> event/exhibition hall
Sala gimnastyczna --> school gym
Basen --> swimming pool
Teatr --> theater
Sala konferencyjna --> conference room

Page 3: enter dimensions

On this page you are to input dimensions (in meters) of the highlighted edges.
<Enter> takes you to the next dimension. You can go back and forth using arrows next to the picture.

Page 4: specify finishing materials

Here you are to specify what finishing material is used for each of the surfaces.
You choose it from the dropdown list. You can go back and forth using arrows next to the picture.

parkiet podłogowy klejony --> wood parquet on concrete, bounded
parkiet podłogowy na ślepej podłodze --> wood parquet on subfloor
wylewka betonowa --> concrete floor
linoleum/guma/korek na betonie --> linoleum, rubber, cork on concrete
beton gładki --> smooth concrete
cegła palona --> brick, unglazed
płyta g/k 12mm --> gypsum board 12mm thick
płyta g/k 9,5mm 60mm od ściany--> gypsum board 9,5mm thick, on studs 60mm from the wall
tynk cementowo-wapienny --> gauged mortar
tynk gips lub wapno, gładki, na cegle --> plaster/ gypsum smooth, on brick
tynk porowaty --> plaster, rough finish
pustak goły --> concrete block, coarse
pianobeton zbrojony -->
marmur, klinkier, terakota --> marble, tiles, clinker
płyta drewnopodobna, deska --> plywood finishing
walur średni --> textile (medium)
blacha --> steel plates
okno --> window
szkło, duże powierzchnie --> large glass tiles
trybuna pusta --> seatings, unoccupied
trybuna z widzami --> seatings, occupied
dywan, 7-10mm --> carpet, 7-10mm thick
wykładzina dywanowa -->
płyta wiórowa, 10mm od sufitu -->
tapeta na tynku cem-wap --> wallpaper on gauged mortar
płyta pilśniowa 4mm, wełna 40mm, 60mm od ściany --> 4mm plywood with mineral wool 40mm, 60mm from the wall
płyta pilśniowa perforowana na listwach 6cm --> perforated plywood on 6cm studs
drzwi, drewno, lakierowane --> wooden door, pinted
lód --> ice
woda --> water

Page 5: simulation results

This page shows the calculated amount of ROLFON rolls needed to achieve the desired acoustics in the room/building.
You can choose (in middle column) hanging configuration that impacts overall number of rolls.